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The Alegría Team

Our team is comprised of concerned individuals and environmental organizations who share a deep respect for the Amazon rainforest. Together we are using our skills collaboratively to protect and preserve the biodiversity of the region and assist the indigenous people to develop and promote intelligent growth strategies that will support viable communities throughout the region.

Our team inspires leadership, collaborative networks, research, education and expanded public participation with the goal of protecting the region’s fragile eco-systems and promoting sustainable, healthy communities for the benefit of the flora, fauna and residents of the Manú Biosphere Reserve and surrounding areas.

Alegría Communications
US-based environmental marketing communications company

Amazon Trails Perú
Cusco-Perú based adventure eco-tour company, www.amazontrailsperu.com

San Francisco State University
Led by SFSU graduate student Kelsey Smith

Matsigenka Indians
Indigenous tribe in the Manú Bioshere Reserve

Amazon Watch
International non-profit defending the Amazon, www.amazonwatch.org

The Nature Conservancy
Leading international conservation organization, www.nature.org